Yep. We moved - again. Since Daddy is still working in TN, and our lease was ending, we decided to put everything in storage and hit the road! In our last few days on Gold Yarrow, in addition to packing up, we had a little fun.
I took Maddie to Inflatible Wonderland and when she saw this, she said, "Daddy!" I thought that was pretty cute!

She is way in to Hide-N-Seek these days. Here she's hiding in a giant bush outside the mall.

Where's Maddie?

I thought this was pretty cute. I noticed her door was wide open one night and when I went in to check on her, I found Rowdy keeping her company.

It became a habit in the last few weeks for Maddie to wake up in the middle of the night and get in bed with me. No matter how far over I started her off, by morning, this was as much space in our KING SIZE bed as I had to sleep in!

With Kenedy and Hadyn manning the garage sale/bake sale table where we were disposing of most of our wordly goods we had no use for!

We squeezed in one more visit with Blake and got to see one game of Bradys!

Maddie loves her cousin!
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