Maddie is 4 months old today! My how time flies when you're having fun! She still hasn't rolled all the way over like I thought she would by now, but we did celebrate 4 months with the start of rice cereal. She wasn't really impressed, but we do love our stylish new highchair!
We're going to do what, Mom??
I'm not actually sure any of it got swallowed.
She also took her first spin in this thing. For the life of me, I can't think what it is called. This was a bigger hit than the rice cereal, obviously.
I know, how about the new outfit Daddy got for Christmas?
Um, I don't know, why do you think he bought the shirt in 18 months?
You're right, it's pretty cute, but do you think you fix the shoulders?
In the end, we decided you can't beat our Christmas photo, so we're going to recycle!
Cereal! How fun! I'm sure she will get the hang of it very quickly! I laughed when you mentioned not knowing the name of the "thing" she's in... Brad still can't get them straight either! LOL! Maddie looks adorable in those denim jeans (and so grown up!)