We had our Weakly family reunion this past weekend. As usual, it was a really wild, fun time. The water slide was the biggest hit! Here are some fun pictures from the weekend.

Jill and Mackinzy were in town, so we got to see them a couple of days. That's a new record for the most times getting together with Jill in years!

AND, we finally got to meet Alex and Avery and Cade! Here is John deciding that he is extremely grateful we're only having one, not two at one time. But they sure were cute! We can't wait for ours to join the fun!

And then to cap it off the weekend. When we got home today, we found that our goose has hatched her eggs! At least this might be our goose. There were actually three little families swimming around our dock, but this turned out to be the cutest picture so we're claiming them!
Quadruplets!?! That poor little mommy! Haha! Adorable!!! Keep posting pics as they grow up!