Lets see, these days, Maddie is talking up a storm and speaks in complete sentences for the most part. She is always saying, "Look." For example, "Look, a bird!" or "Look, a barn!" Her latest favorite phrase is "I forgot." A few days ago when I was trying to get her to take a nap, she sat up and said, "Mom, I forgot!" When I asked her "forgot what?" She said, "I don't know" in a really serious tone. Her latest funny phrase, is "Sure-huh!"
She loves her babys, and they often accompany us on our errand running.

She still loves Diego and now whenever she sees the dogs shivering. She goes over to them and says, "Oh no, they're a scared little animal."

Definitely a Daddy's girl, but who wouldn't be would playdough skills like that?! I can always get her moving in the right direction if I tell her Daddy's waiting on us at home.