This year, Daddy was out of town working on Easter, but luckily Aunt Kelli and Uncle John came to the rescue and had us over for a great Easter celebration! We got to hunt eggs, dye eggs, play on their awesome water slide and have dinner with everyone! Maddie loved the Easter egg hunt and did really great! I'd have to say her favorite part of the day was the water slide though. Two of our favorite things....water and slides!
Ready to go....I kind of think she looks like a little old lady with the lace and carrying her basket like that....

Hunting Easter Eggs!

Showing Garrison what he has to look forward to next year.

Dying Easter Eggs!

Checking out Hudson's cowboy hat. She's definitely a Cowgirl.

Taking a spin down the water slide!

With big cousin Kenedy!
Thanks John and Kelli for having us! You made our Easter!