Friday, January 28, 2011
For Future Use
I'm officially my mom! I am hoping that when Maddie grows up she'll be a tennis star or maybe a tennis Olympian! I told John that we need to get her out there and capture the moment, so that when she is in a big game, they can show some pictures from her childhood when she developed a love of the game, playing with her mom and dad! Mission accomplished.

Friday, January 21, 2011
We had Jen and Rogelio in town for the visit, and John and Rogelio used every block we had to build a couple of masterpieces! They were impressive!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
So, we're a little late with our update, but it's been a busy couple of weeks! We kicked off Christmas week with the stomach! We were supposed to fly to Nashville on Tuesday morning, but I spent all of Monday night sick as a dog! Luckily, it only lasted 12 hours so even though I still felt bad Tuesday morning, we decided to try to make our flight because the thought of driving instead was even worse. However, when we arrived at the airport and stepped onto the curb, Maddie got sick. So back to the house we went, where we spent the next 12 hours napping and taking care of a sick baby. Even worse than having the bug myself!
Then, on Wednesday morning, feeling much better and optimistic, I very stupidly suggested we throw everything in the car and drive. 18 hours on the road and one raunchy motel later, we made it to Nashville.
Once we made it though, it was great to see the family. Maddie loves playing with River and Skye and Uncle Josh hadn't seen her since last Christmas so he was surprised by how much she had changed. And to pay us back for our rough start, TN did provide a white Christmas!

Always the early riser; Maddie got to check out the goods before anyone woke up. Don't tell River and Skye but we test drove their new wheels before they even knew what Santa how delivered!

New Years Eve held an exciting fireworks display that thankfully didn't result in any injuries or major property damage! Then off to bed for Maddie as usual, with Mom and Dad only outlasting her by a couple of hours! We're excited about all that 2011 holds and can't wait to see what another year with Miss Maddie will bring!
Then, on Wednesday morning, feeling much better and optimistic, I very stupidly suggested we throw everything in the car and drive. 18 hours on the road and one raunchy motel later, we made it to Nashville.
Once we made it though, it was great to see the family. Maddie loves playing with River and Skye and Uncle Josh hadn't seen her since last Christmas so he was surprised by how much she had changed. And to pay us back for our rough start, TN did provide a white Christmas!
Checking out the snow from the back patio
All bundled up; although this little TX girl could probably have used some thicker pants and a heavier coat.
Getting Ready for Santa!
Always the early riser; Maddie got to check out the goods before anyone woke up. Don't tell River and Skye but we test drove their new wheels before they even knew what Santa how delivered!
New Years Eve held an exciting fireworks display that thankfully didn't result in any injuries or major property damage! Then off to bed for Maddie as usual, with Mom and Dad only outlasting her by a couple of hours! We're excited about all that 2011 holds and can't wait to see what another year with Miss Maddie will bring!
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