Lately, the word is "Attitude!"

A while back I told Kristi, I was going to rip off her "treasure it, tuesday" idea, but I haven't put it into practice, obviously. We're kicking this off on a Sunday and I'm going to try to do it as often as possible! No promises, though.
Maddie is Miss Independent these days. I hear "I do it!" at least 100 times a day. Lately she even wants to tie MY shoes. I usually get them back by telling her, "no,
I do it!"
She also loves to climb on anything, chairs, ladders, tables, furniture. Once she gets on something, stands up really straight with her arms in the air and says, "I tall!"
She knows how to shake hands with people and she usually says, "How are you? Nice to see you."
At night, she's lately taken to telling me "Bye, Bye, Mommy! Daddy read to me." The first time that made me sad, but I will admit that John is a more entaining reader and usually keeps reading until I have to poke my head in and tell them both its time to go to sleep.
Whenever she wants to do something, she always says, "Come on, Mommy! Let's go, Mommy!" or my other absolute favorite. She asks for it a million times in a row, like "playground, playground, playground, playground...." Then, we I say, you want to go the playground? She say, "OK!" like, "What a great idea, mom!"