Saturday, March 27, 2010
7 Months
Hard to believe that another month has gone by! Miss Maddie is the proud owner of two bottom teeth, although they are not completely in yet. Some time in the last month she has hit a growth spurt because suddenly, nothing we own fits anymore. Good excuse to buy some new stuff; unfortunetely everything out right now is for spring and summer and it is still cold up here! She is now following in the not-so-stylish footsteps of her momma and can be often be seen wearing the same sweat pants on many days! She is still the best baby ever. She loves to laugh at the dogs, and she was an absolute doll when I took her to have her Easter Photos taken.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Chesapeake Bay
Maddie had her first day at the beach today. We went to Chesapeake Bay and let her put her toes in the water. Shes wasn't all that impressed with the water, or the sand for that matter once it got between her toes! She did like the sunshine and a fellow beach-goers kite, though. We're just happy we finally got a "moment" on camera. So far, we have been to the US Naval Academy and forgot the camera, and then we went to Washington, D.C. where I remembered the camera only to discover upon arrival that the batteries were completely dead. Oh, well. In other big news, Maddie got her two bottom teeth in this week! We thought it was just one, but John spotted the second one today. Very exciting!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Hair
So, it's funny that Kelli commented about Maddie's hair because I was thinking that the photos were too dark to show off the hair, so this morning, I had already snapped some new ones. Maddie's hair is by far one of our favorite features. It's hilarious and sticks straight up all the time! John's hair was like this as a baby and that was the one feature that his family said over and over that they hoped Maddie got. I'm sure glad she did!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
6 Months!!
Another state, another chair, but still 6 months old!! These days Maddie is 19lb, 14oz (97%) and I forgot her exact height, but she is in the 78%. We had her 6 month check up on Monday and she is doing perfect! She STILL does not roll over, but I have it on good authority from two of my most trusted sources, that rolling over is some what of a pain anyway because then they get stuck and you have to roll them back. She is sitting up really well on her own, grabbing everything, especially her feet. It's adorable. She is so happy and loves to laugh, especially at the dogs. They crack her up all the time. She is sleeping pretty consistently through the night, but she is quite the early bird, waking up well before the crack of dawn. I'm hoping once we are back home and she sleeps further than 1.5 feet away from us, she'll sleep a little later. We flew home for her check up, making that her 6th flight. She was, as always, a perfect travel companion. Then we (Maddie and me) collected our puppies and drove 12 hours back to Baltimore. She was better than you can imagine in the car. We are so lucky!

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