So far, we're hanging in there with the hotel room. Sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she doesn't. We are in a great location near all this great shopping; however, to get to it you have to cross a major interstate and we don't have our own wheels, so we just stare at it out our window and dream. I'm sure it's for the best though. Shopping usually leads to buying.
Ta, ta for now. I need to get to sleep so I can have my game face on for my 2am play date with the wee one! Oh, and she's been going to bed at 6:30pm, sleeping until 6:30am. That's eastern time, folks. Working out okay now since that's what time we need to get up, but I'm a little worried about the 5:30am wake up calls when we head back to the central time zone. Yikes! Here are a few cute pictures that I snapped tonight.