Happy New Year Everyone! We got to ring in the New Year with our amazing friends, Jen and Rogelio! They drove all the way from Houston in inclement weather to spend the holiday with us, surely rescuing me from being depressed over our lack of local friends! We had a great time eating, drinking, being merry, and enjoying some seriously competive games! Just in case anyone is keeping count, and I am, that would make Jen and Rogelio visiting us in TN - 3, some other people reading this blog - 0!!
The Group Shot - Counting it Down!

Jen and Maddie counting down to 2010.
Rogelio and Maddie in 2010!

We had little snow around dawn on Saturday. Why were we up at dawn, you ask? John and Rogelio were attemping to go fishing, but as you might guess from the weather, it was a little on the cold side!