Sunday, September 27, 2009
1 Month!
Maddie is one month old today! We had visitors all the way from Texas in for the occasion! Thanks John, Kelli, and Company for making the trip to come see us! Here are a few "1 Month" photos. The second one was just too funny to pass up. And some photos of our super fun weekend with the cousins. Maddie also shares her one month birthday with her Aunt Kelli and Kristi; Happy Birthday you two!

Friday, September 18, 2009
3 Weeks!
Times flies! Maddie is 3 weeks old as of yesterday, but her doctor's visit was today. She is 9lbs, 14oz (84%) and 21.5" long (79%). She is doing fabulous according to me and her doctor. She's full of smiles (real or not, they sure are cute!), can hold her head up really well for a newborn, she's outgrown newborn diapers, and she is staying awake for longer periods of time to hang out. Except when she doesn't feel like it, then she sleeps a whole lot! She occasionally takes really good naps in her crib and when that doesn't work for her, she takes great naps in our arms! We are on no sort of routine or schedule - she's very much in charge, but for now, we're okay with that!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Aunt Andi's Visit
This week we said "see ya soon" to Momo and Mop. It was fairly tragic. Luckily Aunt Andi was here for the hand-off so we are still being well taken care of! Her visit has been way too short though, she leaves tomorrow morning and then we are on our own for the first time. Yikes! Luckily it is only one week until the next group is coming for a visit! Keep in mind we're accepting reservations for the end of September and pretty much any time after that!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
T is for Texas
Thanks again to Aunt Kelli for our FAVORITE onesie! I think the outfit speaks for the post! Thanks for peaking in!

Also receiving Gold Stars for visiting is the Kennedy family. We're awarding two gold stars, one for traveling from out of state, 1/2 for making the road trip with two small children, and 1/2 for making it while sick and having to the submit to the look and don't touch rules of the household! It would have been 3 gold stars, but since we were actually on the way during their journey to Texas, it stands at 2. Thanks Kennedy family, sorry we didn't get any photos! See ya on the flip side!
Monday, September 7, 2009
What else? More Maddie!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day
The Bartows (my sister and her family) drove down from South Dakota this weekend to meet Maddie. It took them 14 hours, so they definitely get a gold star! Between Taylor (my niece) and Liz (my sister) no one else is getting a whole lot of holding Maddie in, but she sure is loving the attention! John's brother also made a big effort to get here from L.A. but he's sick so he only got to look and not touch. We'll give him two gold stars since he made the trip and then was very gracious about Mama and Papa Bear's protectiveness.

I didn't make her wear the bow all day, but it sure was cute!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
So Adorable!
Well, we had a good report at the doctor yesterday. Her level dropped to 13.1 and they said that she didn't need to come back until her 3 week check up. Thank goodness! I don't think I could take another blood test. It was horrible!! Here are a few pics of our girl. She's just SO cute, I can hardly stand it!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Alien Baby
My poor baby has jaundice. She had an elevated count when we left the hospital, so they wanted to see her at the doctor yesterday to check and her count has risen to 16.5, which apparently is creeping into the not okay territory. John and I both had jaundice and apparently it is at least partially hereditary. When I had it, I had to be under lights at the hospital with a blind fold, but fortunately, these days they are able to treat her at home with a Bili-Blanket. We have to go back today to check her count again, so say a pray that her count has improved. Here are some photos of my glowing baby.

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